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What happened in June?

Hey beautiful people, I hope you have had a fabulous June and no one has any burns or tans lines  it’s been crazy hot and with that comes skin complications , we must remember to re apply our SPF especially when sweating. 

Our skin can become very dehydrated and dry, due to lots of factors, we aren’t hydrated enough, we loose a lot of moisture due to the heat, air con and sweating are other factors, breakouts can occur and if we have hyperpigmentation we are constantly working out risk assessments, our hard work to lightened the areas can easily be undone if we allow our skin to tan.

Now is the perfect time to add a hydrating serum to your skincare routine if you don’t have one already.

  I know we are subjected all year round to UVA and if you have had a skin consultation with me, my number one product is always your daily moisturising broad spectrum SPF (AlumierMD have a daily moisturiser to suit your skin needs and offers you protection) I’m not just saying it, it has to be my all time favourite product ever hands down.

With lockdown, restrictions lifting slightly and the fact we can now meet up with a maximum of 6 friends still social distancing of course and only outdoors, I’ve had the best time meeting for a picnic, I was well prepared hat, glasses, sunscreen, shoulders and arms covered, after doing another course on skin cancers it really isn’t worth the risk, skin cancer if not picked up in the early stages causes devastating outcomes with sometimes only giving a 6 week life span. Please ask a loved one to check the places you can’t see yourself and remember to check the bottoms of your feet, would it surprise you if I told you the legend that is Bob Marley, may he rest in peace actually died from skin cancer at the young age of 36, heartbreaking, so keep checking yourself beautiful people, if you want to send me a photo I would be more than happy to take a look for you.

June was the month of my 47 birthday, I have to say it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had, I would normally be away with my husband, but this year I was so pleased to be home knowing my loved ones were safe, I actually got to spend time in the flesh with my grandsons for which, absolutely made my day I had missed the boys so much I didn’t want or need for anything, the boys made me a cake with help, they were so proud of themselves. This time together was just priceless and left us all feeling blessed to be alive.

I’ve also added a new treatment to menu the Dermalux Flex this is LED light therapy that has been clinically proven to do what it says it does by NASA. This non invasive treatment has a huge celebrity following, including royalty Meghan Markle, our posh Spice Victoria Beckham, Sienna Miller, Kate Moss, Cara Delevigne and JLo to mention just a few.

LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses non-thermal LED light energy to trigger your bodies natural cell processes to accelerate rejuvenation and repair the skin, it can be a standalone treatment added too a facial treatment or you can book a course, this is something we would discuss when working out a treatment plan for  your skin needs and goals. You will find prices in the treatment section. 

I was very disappointing to hear, I won’t be reopening on the 4th of July along with the hairdressers, I totally get why, we are a lot more up close and personal and as we spend a lot of time in what they call the danger zone it was a decision that until they can give more information we have to abide by, anyone that is working is breaking the law, are practicing without insurance and putting themselves and other in a risk category. It would of been great if we were given the go ahead for treatments out of the danger zone and that might be something they are working on as no beauty salons are the same with a different range of treatments, unlike hairdressers it’s cut, blow dry, colour or perm all to do with hair! Not touching danger zone, barbers are not aloud to shave but to trim only.

Fingers crossed the clinic will reopen come August, and when it does I am ready with courses taken in COVID 19 , risk assessments done, PPE brought and guidelines in place to keep everyone safe and no chance of any cross contamination .

I have reopened my diary for online skin consultations, please do get in touch if you would like to get better and quicker results from your skin with professional guidance, it’s the perfect time to actually move your skin and prep it before having a professional treatment

Until we meet again, I wish you a healthy and happy month ahead.

Love the skin you’re in

Sam x 




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