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june was Acne Awareness month

Updated: Aug 3, 2019

June was all about Acne Awareness and I’m sure if you are a sufferer of acne you are more than aware of it every month of the year :-( I’m here to tell you, you are not alone in the UK acne is believed to affect as many as 8 in 10 individuals aged between 11 and 30 and for a small minority acne can continue into adulthood.

Some main causes

  • Excess sebum production this is our natural oil

  • A disorder of the cells, due to hormones

  • Bacteria

  • Family history

  • Emotional stress

  • Certain medication such as drugs containing Corticosteroids, Textosterone, Dixins or Iithium

My useful tips

  • Do not pop pimples this causes the inflammation to spread

  • Wear your hair off your face

  • Clean your phone daily

  • Wash your makeup brushes at least once a week, Sunday’s work well for me

  • Change your pillowcase often at least twice a week, and another tip turn pillow over to use other clean side of the pillowcase

  • When washing face make sure you go into your hairline and behind ears bacteria can hide there

  • After washing, dry your skin with a clean white flannel daily, this will show you if you have missed anything if so repeat your washing process, if you have a home bargains shop or the equivalent you can pick up new white flannels very cheaply

  • Stress can worsen Acne, try meditation, practice just breathing or a yoga class all will relieve tension, if you prefer a strenuous exercise remember to make sure you cleanse and wash your skin properly post workout

  • Don’t over wash your skin, this will do more harm than good

  • Exfoliating is key, however do not use a harsh exfoliant that is scratchy this will encourage more sebum

I hope you found at least one thing to take away from this and if you would like to discuss with me your skincare concerns, it would be a pleasure to hear from you

Until next time beautiful people... Look after the skin you’re in 😘

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